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EU EUDAMED Medical Device & IVD Registration

EU EUDAMED Medical Device & IVD Registration

EUDAMED is an electronic database designed to improve transparency, accessibility, and traceability of medical devices and IVDs in the EU market.

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EU IVD Market information

What is EUDAMED?

The Medical Devices Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR) and In Vitro Diagnostics Regulation (EU) 2017/746 (IVDR) introduced the requirement for a comprehensive electronic database known as the European Database for Medical Devices (EUDAMED). This platform developed by the European Commission is designed to improve transparency, accessibility, and traceability of medical devices and IVDs in the EU market. The EUDAMED system will be used by Economic Operators, Notified Bodies, Member State authorities, healthcare professionals, and even the public to access critical device information.

EUDAMED is structured into six core modules:

  • Actor Registration
  • Unique Device Identification (UDI) and Device Registration
  • Notified Bodies and Certificates
  • Clinical Investigations and Performance Studies
  • Vigilance and Post-Market Surveillance
  • Market Surveillance

The first three modules (Actor Registration, UDI & Device Registration, and Notified Bodies & Certificates) are already live for voluntary use. However, Actor and UDI registration could become mandatory in late 2025, which means device manufacturers who are not already using EUDAMED should start establishing a procedure for building this registration into their Quality Management System (QMS) processes.

How to register your company in EUDAMED

Manufacturers (EU and non-EU), along with System/Procedure Pack Producers (SPPP), Authorized Representatives (AR), and Importers are required to register as an Actor in EUDAMED. To register using the Actor module, you must create an EU login account in EUDAMED and provide basic information about your company, such as address and contact information. You must also name key regulatory personnel, including your AR if you are not based in the EU. This includes naming your Person Responsible for Regulatory Compliance (PRRC).

On submission, your Actor registration will route to your AR or your Competent Authority for review and approval, based on your location in the respective EU Member state. Once approved, you will receive a Single Registration Number (SRN), and your company will be published in the EUDAMED Public Database.

How to register your device in EUDAMED

All medical devices and IVDs that are CE Marked must be registered in EUDAMED, including self-certifying devices (class I medical devices, class A IVDs or legacy devices). To register a device or IVD using the UDI/Devices module, you will need to supply detailed information about your device, including:

  • UDI (Basic UDI, UDI-DI, and UDI-PI)
  • Name of UDI-issuing body
  • Device Reference / Catalogue number
  • European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN) Code
  • Device trade name or model name
  • Device classification
  • Device description and characteristics (single use, sterility, storage conditions, warnings)
  • Device information for presence of human or animal tissues and cells or their derivatives
  • All EU Member States where the device is made available

Device information in the UDI module is publicly accessible. Changes to key device information or characteristics can require a new UDI and updated registration in EUDAMED.

How We Can Help

Get ready for mandatory EUDAMED registration

EUDAMED registration for Actors and Devices will soon be mandatory (expected in Q4 2025). If you are not already using EUDAMED and need help getting started, Pure Global can identify your EUDAMED registration requirements and assist with acquiring the necessary documentation to complete your device registration, including obtaining UDI codes.

Asked Questions

What is basic UDI for medical devices in the EU?

Basic UDI identifies a group of devices that share the same intended purpose, classification, design, and characteristics. In EUDAMED, Basic UDI is the key that references information about that group of devices, but it does not appear on the device labeling.

UDI is the numeric or alphanumeric code that appears on the device label to identify that specific device on the market. UDI includes the UDI device identifier (UDI-DI), which is specific to a device, and a UDI production identifier (UDI-PI) that identifies the device unit.

How do we obtain UDI for our device?

UDI-DI is a code of numeric or alphanumeric characters that is unique to a device. UDI codes must be purchased from an issuing agency, which can take several days. You will need to provide the device’s UDI and the name of the UDI issuing agency to complete your EUDAMED device registration.

When will all EUDAMED modules become mandatory?

Originally, mandatory EUDAMED registration was deferred until all modules were functional. However, the European Commission proposed a rolling deployment strategy in January 2024. Under the gradual EUDAMED rollout, manufacturers can expect individual modules to become mandatory six months after they are officially announced in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU), following a successful audit. This means mandatory use of modules that are already live could begin in Q4 2025. Others may not be available until late 2026 or even 2027.

Single Process,
Multiple Markets

When you partner with Pure Global, a single registration process opens doors to multiple countries. Our global subsidiaries make this streamlined path possible.

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